Myriad of Research Supporting High Intensity Training Over Aerobic Training for Weight Loss


This is an adjunct to my article on attaining your fitness goals.

  1. 4 hours of aerobic exercise each week had no effect on weight loss.
  2. 3 groups: Diet alone, diet and strength training, and diet and aerobic training all lost similar weight. However, the strength training group was the only group to preserve lean muscle mass.
  3. As stated in the accompanying article, high intensity training can provide up to 38 hours of post-exercise fat burning; no similar effect was noted in the low to moderate intensity training groups.
  4. Higher intensity exercise leads to increased metabolism rate when exercise is completed. Another article stating a similar finding. And another.
  5. About 30 minutes of high intensity exercise yielded an increase in metabolism for 38 hours following exercise.
  6. Low intensity training loses more lean mass/muscle than high intensity training.
  7. Aerobic training only does not help to decrease age-related metabolic decline. Again, we need to be doing resistance training to maintain lean muscle mass — this is vital for overall health. However, high intensity exercise CAN reduce the effects of age-related decline in metabolism.
  8. Higher intensity trainers had greater fat loss under the skin as compared to endurance trainers. Another study showing the higher intensity trainers losing more weight than the exercise group.
  9. Again, another study showing the increase in metabolism following high intensity training.
  10. Strength training has proven to preserve lean muscle mass and lower body fat at a significantly greater rate when compared to aerobic exercise.
  11. Yet another study highlighting the increased metabolism and fat-breakdown hours after resistance training. Resistance training helps to increase metabolism and fat oxidation, even hours after finishing. And another study with the same finding. Seeing a pattern?
  12. This study is as clear as you can be. They compared 3 groups. One group went with diet only, another with the same diet plus aerobic training, and the last group with the same diet and resistance training. The findings? The resistance training group lost more fat and maintained metabolism.
  13. Comparing circuit (high intensity) training with a treadmill workout found greater increase in metabolism in the circuit training group.
  14. There is research to support low intensity training with high intensity training. So, it is not that low intensity training is useless however the evidence is significantly in favor of high intensity training for better results regarding fat loss and preservation of lean muscle mass.

Again, for context, refer to my article on your fitness goals.



Doctor of Physical Therapy, Orthopedic Clinical Specialist, Fellow in Training, Orthopedic Residency Graduate, Professor, Sports & Nutrition Enthusiast